Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mosaic Providing A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Due to the events of the last month, including the death of my sister in law in Tennessee, our family didn't get to have Christmas until December 29. There were 11 of us who celebrated it here at the Mosaic house, my wife and I, our two children, Nathan and Marathana, our daughter and son in law, Emily and Brett, our grandchildren, Aaliyah and Atticus and of course the residents in house, Jarvis, Tra, and Lance. 

For those that don't know, Christmas is a huge deal for me, it always has been, in fact I will likely start shopping for next years Christmas today. Presents galore, a great meal and a wonderful time together. Yesterday was special though because it was the first Christmas in the Mosaic house, we had 3 formerly homeless guys who are a part of the family who also celebrated Christmas with us.  That's right a part of the family, they aren't just formerly homeless people, they are real live human beings that I and my wife are blessed to share life together with.

I could tell all kinds of stories, how one of the guys, who is working now, gave my wife, a box full of socks of all kinds that will last her all year long, the $50 Visa Gift Card I got from this person, all from a formerly homeless man who is working at improving on his life, obtaining his dreams. I have to tell you about his story though, one of his gifts. 

www.mosaicwichita.comMary Jane, my wife, had spoken with this person quite a bit about Christmas pasts, he told her that when growing up he had always done well at Christmas but never got the slot car race track he wanted. I decided to make it our mission to get him a slot car track for Christmas. I posted on Facebook, sent out an email, but there were no takers, I guess folks didn't understand the importance of sometimes giving another person a dream or a fantasy, a fantasy if you will, that could impact a life. Unfortunately, sometimes as care providers, we get so caught up in the horrid situation some people live in that we forget to share in the joy of life, the joy of being dream givers. For this one individual, he had never forgotten about that one present he always wanted, that one thing that seemed out of his grasp, out of the possibility of having.  I am a dreamer, I have been touched by people like Langston Hughes who wrote of dreams and their importance, I serve a God who understands the importance of hope, dreams, and an eternal future full of blessings, blessings that can, and should, begin on earth. 

We couldn't get a donation for the slot car race track so Mary Jane and I began a journey that had us driving all over Wichita to I don't know how many stores, taking I don't know how much time, and we won't even talk about all of the internet searches.  Eventually we went to Menards in Northeast Wichita, a lumber store that seems to have everything, including slot car race tracks. We saw several of them, and while we didn't purchase the cheapest track, we purchased a good track, wrapped it and placed it under the tree. 

We have this other crazy tradition, we pass out all of the presents before we start opening them. There are other traditions that due to the circumstances this year we didn't get to observe but we knew that when we passed out the presents we had to have the camera ready. Well this individual with the wrapped race track had all of his presents in front of him, but what does he do? He goes for the biggest present right off the bat, the race track, opens it and then, WHAM, he gets the look. 

Have you ever seen a grown man's jaw drop? A big smile come over his face, he tilts his head back and then tears enter his eyes?  While this was a gift for this man, it was also the best Christmas present I got yesterday, I got to see that, experience that, have a part in that. I saw it because at Mosaic we are about dreams, eternity, and doing more than helping keep someone homeless, but about helping them get on their feet, accomplish and believe in, their dreams.

One is never too old to dream, or to old to want more and we should never be too old to help those in need. Sometimes that need is to revisit a dream, even if that dream is a slot car race track. Have you encouraged others to dream, to focus on their potential as opposed to their situation? Let me tell you, there is reward in that, a reward that once one sees others care about their dreams, they care about obtaining, and going after not only old, but new dreams, dreams that instill and provide hope. Of course at Mosaic we are about getting people to their eternal dreams, dreams of a fullness of life with a Savior.  The Savior whom Christmas is really about, the son of God born in a manger, but one where the story ends with the cross and resurrection. When we believe and surrender to Jesus, we gain eternal life and an ultimate hope that can't be topped.

There are many who made this life possible for us, we have a house that costs almost $2,500 a month to operate, those in house provide approximately 1/3rd of that cost, sometimes up to about half, the rest comes from donations from people just like you and a couple of churches, including Central Community Church who has been faithful with their monthly contribution. Many have prayed, given financially and even if giving just a few dollars it all makes a huge difference for us  and I am grateful for all of the support. As the year comes to an end, please know that you have helped create dreams, we, and those having those dreams are grateful.  Mary Jane and I are blessed to be a part of those dreams, seeing them happen first hand, day to day. We still have needs throughout the next year and we appreciate your prayers and support during this time. Whether a person living here, or those active in church attendance who are growing in their faith, we have a bright future, and we are grateful for all of those who has made this ministry possible, again, with a sincere heart, thank you. 

If wanting to support Mosaic in any way, please email us your tax deductible gift to 1249 N. St. Francis, Wichita KS, 67214 or visit our web site to donate online at www.mosaicwichita.com  You are welcome to also subscribe to our email list by subscribing at mosaicwichita@yahoo.com.

God bless you, and thank you in the upcoming year 2014,


Mike Furches

Mosaic and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry.  Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work.  Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.

Click here to donate to Mosaic

Click here to read about, and order the book, The Keystone Kid 

Mike Furches on Faceboook.

Click here to visit Mosaic Church where Mike is Pastor

The Virtual Pew

Hopefully you will consider a gift to Mosaic.

Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information

1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214
Email: mike@furches.org